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Associate Hospital Sisters of St. Francis
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Sharing in a Franciscan Way of life and a Healing Spirit

"Sharing a common commitment through baptism, we recognize the unique Christian witness of the laity in the mission of the Church. We value their insights, and are challenged by their self-giving love.“  From the richness of our Franciscan heritage, we encourage each other in our response to the gospel. Hospital Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis General Constitution Article #59.

February 15, 2023 presentation
Mind Fasting and Soul Feasting
Lent 2023 Circular Letter
Easter 2023 Circular Letter
Who Am I_April 2023
Pentecost 2023 Circular Letter
Feast of St. Francis Letter 2023
Franciscan Centenary
House Circular #12 - Christmas 2023
House Circular #8 - Lent 2024
House Circular #11 - Easter 2024
House Circular #16 - Pentecost 2024

Associates are baptized Christian women and men who are part of the extended Franciscan family through an Associate relationship with the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis. Associates deepen their baptismal commitment by accepting God's call to live according to the gospel of Jesus in the spirit of St. Francis and to embody the Hospital Sisters' charism. By embracing more fully Franciscan values of prayer, conversion, simplicity and humility, Associates bring the healing presence of Jesus to others in ways that fit their personality and life circumstances. 

Associates emphasize a strong sense of community and gather to share their faith on spiritual and Franciscan topics, share in the Sisters' spirituality, and join them in prayer, community celebrations and ministry. Associates give expression to their relationship through a written commitment renewed every two years. Their commitment consists of three parts: deepening their relationship with God, bonding with the Sisters and  Associates in community, and witnessing gospel values in their daily lives consistent with the Sisters' healing spirit.

Associates are at the following locations:
Illinois: Decatur, Effingham, Highland, Springfield, and Streator
Wisconsin: Eau Claire, Green Bay, and Sheboygan

February 2024
May 2024

February 2023
May 2023
August 2023
November 2023

February 2022
May 2022
August 2022
November 2022

February 2021
May 2021
August 2021
November 2021

February 2020
May 2020
August 2020
November 2020


February 2019
May 2019
August 2019

February 2018
May 2018
August 2018
November 2018

Persons from any Christian faith tradition who are 18 years of age or older and express a desire to become an Associate enter first an exploration phase. This is followed by a four-step discernment process that ends over approximately 12 months culminating with a weekend discernment retreat and formal commitment, if desired. Interested in learning more? Please contact us.

Nancy Davis, Associate Coordinator
4849 LaVerna Road
Springfield, IL 62707
217-522-3387, ext 664




Hospital Sisters of St. Francis 4 849 LaVerna Road, Springfield, IL 62707 (217)522-3386
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